Seminar |
Selection of Hardware and Cathlab preparation for Transradial Approach
Urmil Shah
The Heart Care Clinic, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad Gujarat |
The percutaneous transradial approach for cardiac catheterization has been shown to be a safe alternative to femoral artery approach, owing to the favorable anatomical relation of the radial artery to surrounding structures and the dual blood supply to the hand. Selection of guide catheter is elementary but an issue of extreme importance in performance of percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) and depends on the size of aorta, location of ostia on the aorta, the kind of back-up required and whether the artery arises from a normal origin or anomalously. Currently a variety of guiding catheters are available, each with a unique design and construction, which has vastly improved the technique of transradial PCI. However, much of the cause for procedural failure of the radial approach is associated with the need for higher technical skills and the difficulty in using femoral catheters in the smaller radial artery. There is a learning curve, and many interventionists are uncomfortable attempting a more technically challenging procedure. Nevertheless, it is a procedure that can be taught, and with the innovation of new catheters and devices made specifically for radial approach, it may become easier to adopt for interventionists with a sound knowledge of the anatomical considerations and skill on guiding catheters and hardwares. The current article provides a vivid insight on the various aspects of the learning curve for Transradial approach including proper patient selection, radial access assessment, troubleshooting arm vessel anomalies, guide catheter selection and engagement, augmentation of guide support, and adjunctive device selection.
Keywords: Transradial, catheterization, hardwares, learning curve |
Although the transfemoral approach (TFA) for cardiac catheterization and intervention has gained widespread acceptance, the transradial approach (TRA) for coronary procedures has gained progressive acceptance since its first introduction by Campeau in 1989 for diagnostic coronary angiography and its improvement by Kiemeneij and Laarman for percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and stenting1,2. Evidences suggest that lower access site complications, improved patient comfort, and reduced costs, in addition to almost nil vascular site complications, are the major advantages contributing considerably for increasing popularity of TRA for coronary angiography and angioplasty, including primary percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI)3,4. Moreover, recently published reports support that apart from reducing complications, such as major bleeding, TRA selection may also result in a better clinical outcome compared to femoral access5.
Conversely, there are some valid concerns regarding the use of TRA for coronary access which may limit its widespread adoption. A range of reasons underlying a procedural failure by TRA have been identified: inability to successfully puncture the radial artery, failed cannulation of coronary ostia due to difficulty in rotating and/or manipulating the catheters, inadequate catheter support or an inability to track the device in the correct place6. Achieving access to the radial artery is technically more challenging and time-consuming than gaining femoral access, but when the right skills are grasped, the technique is much easier and reliable7. Hence, selection of pertinent hardwares is elementary but an issue of extreme importance in performance of PCI. |
Diagnostic Catheterization via Transradial approach
Sizing and Selection of Catheter
Since the radial artery is smaller compared to the brachial and femoral arteries, naturally the operator should use small-caliber needles, wires, and catheter in order to ensure optimal safety. It is advisable to use a micropuncture needle (21 gauge, 4 cm long) that would allow placement of a 0.018 inch-guide wire (MicroPuncture Set, Cook Incorporated, Bloomington, IN). The guide wire should be advanced with great care. Resistance to passage or radial artery tortuosity and further advancement can lead to dissection or perforation. Faced with resistance to wire advancement, placement of a short small-bore plastic introducer over the wire can be used for angiography of the distal portion of the radial artery. Once fully advanced, this guide wire allows for the placement of a long 5F hydrophilic sheath (23 cm) with a tapered introducer. Anticoagulation (typically 2,500 to 5,000 U heparin IV) is administered immediately after sheath insertion, and many operators also administer a cocktail of vasodilators (nitroglycerine 100 or 200 µg and/ or Nicorandil 2-4 mg (+) verapamil 1.25 to 2.5 mg or Diltiazem 5-10 mg) via the sheath to reduce radial artery spasm. The use of hydrophilic sheaths, however, has resulted in a dramatic reduction in radial artery spasm that can, in turn, lead to significant discomfort during catheter manipulation or sheath removal.
The presence of a major loop at the site of radioulnar anastomosis is the main cause of TRA failure after radial artery puncture and canulation has been mastered8. The examples of some most common anatomic variations and difficulties are depicted in figure 2 (a), (b) and (c). Most often, a loop can be traversed by navigating a 4F gentle
correspondence: Dr urmil.shahThe Heart Care Clinic, 201, Balleshwar Avenue, Opp Rajpath Club, Sarkhej - Gandhinagar Road,Bodakdev, Ahmedabad – 380015 |
Indian Heart J. 2010;62;267-272
Urmil Shah. |

curve (JR, MP) catheter near the tip of a 0.025” hydrophilic wire. After successful passage of the 4F catheter, the initial wire is exchanged for a regular 0.035” one. In rare cases, in which the diagnostic catheter cannot pass through, a mictovascular catheter (Transit) may resolve the difficulty. The floppy wire can then be exchanged for a stiff PCI wire (even 0.018”), which will hopefully straighten the loop and allow the catheter to pass through successfully.
Following options can also be tried to facilitate the challenging manipulations when guide wire movement is difficult:
Rotate the needle to change the angle of the bevel
Do a radial angiogram
Use a hydrophilic-coated wire
PTCA wire
Give vasodilators through the needle and then try to advance wire
Diagnostic angiography via the radial artery approach requires some modifications from routine transfemoral angiography. Diagnostic catheters (usually 5F) are advanced into the aortic root over a 0.035-inch 1-mm J wire. If passage of the J wire into the ascending aorta is difficult owing to subclavian artery tortuosity, having the patient take a deep inspiration helps avoid the descending aorta, as does counterclockwise catheter rotation.
Catheter selection depends on the site of radial access. Standard diagnostic catheters (i.e. JL4, JR4) may be used via the left radial artery approach for most cases, but catheterization from the right radial artery requires either alternative shapes (Kimny, Barbeau, AL1, AL2) or different Judkins catheter shapes. In general, engagement of the |

Figure 2: Brachial Artery Loop (a) Before wiring (b) During wiring (c) Artery unlooped by a hydrophilic coated guidewire
left main via the right radial artery requires smaller catheters (e.g. JL 3.5 compared with JL4, XB3 compared with XB3.5) compared with those used for femoral or left radial procedures.
Engagement of the coronary ostia may be facilitated by leaving the guide wire within the catheter to enhance torquability. Use of a smaller injection syringe (i.e. 8 ml rather than 12 ml) or a power injection may optimize angiography with 4F and 5F catheters.
To limit exchanges, some operators prefer using a single catheter (e.g. AL1, AL2, Kimny, Barbeau) for both left and right coronary angiography. Catheter exchanges should always be performed with a guide wire remaining in the ascending aorta.
The Kimineij catheter and other catheter shapes have accomplished this and could serve as a universal catheter with the ability to perform left and right coronary arteriography and left ventriculography using the same catheter. The catheter requires specific manipulations to use it safely and hence involves a learning curve.
The latest in the series of universal catheters is the Optitorque™ Catheter with a Tiger tip (“Tiger catheter,” Terumo Interventional Systems, Somerset, New Jersey) developed with a Judkins left catheter shape with an “opened up” primary curve, allowing bilateral coronary arteriography. |
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Hardware for Transradial |
There is a paucity of data comparing standard Judkins catheters and Tiger catheters for performing right radial access coronary angiography and left ventriculography. However, a multicentre study, which compared the efficacy and safety of the Amplatz Left (AL) versus the radial –dedicated Tiger catheter for right transradial approach (RRA) coronary angiography, showed, the use of Tiger was associated with a significantly higher success rate than that of the AL (95% Vs 75%)9.
In case of normal anatomy, where innominate-arch junction is not distorted (Fig.1 (1)), the turn to enter into the ascending aorta is smooth and does not pose challenges in performing diagnostic or interventional procedures. On the other hand, the procedure requires special attention and unusual curves, whenever necessary, along with judicious use of catheter to accomplish the procedure in case of abnormal anatomy due to dilation and/or distortion of the aorta (Fig.1 (2)–(4)) at innominate-arch junction. The slippery Terumo wire facilitates relatively ease entry into the ascending aorta in challenging situations. A 0.032-inch or a 0.025-inch hydrophilic Terumo Gliderwire can be used successfully when problems may be encountered while entering aorta or use of standard guide may be challenging due to its tendency to slip into the descending aorta.
Arterial Lusoria, a rare situation (prevalence rate around 0.1% among 20,000 transradial cases), needs special attention and unusual curves, whenever necessary, along with judicious use of catheter to accomplish the procedure. For diagnostic procedure to cannulate the left coronary ostium, a Judkins left, Optitorque TIG, or an Amplatz left catheter; where as to cannulate right coronary ostium a Judkins right or an Amplatz right catheter can be utilized.
Suitable catheters include those designed for the femoral approach and dedicated radial catheters. The catheters conventionally designed for transfemoral angiography, usually requires more technical skill when employed for coronary engagement from the radial artery.Unlike the transfemoral approach, the anatomic and geometric characteristics of accessing the ascending aorta from the right or left radial artery are very different. The left radial approach is similar to the femoral approach in view of the fact that it involves entering the ascending aorta from the aortic arch. The right radial approach, on the other hand, is different from the femoral approach in view of the fact that it involves a vertically downward approach to the ascending aorta, completely excluding the aortic arch (in majority of the patients, except those with arteria lusoria). Femoral catheter shapes perform adequately from the left radial approach and hence allow the femoral operator to avoid major changes in catheter selection or manipulation. The right radial approach involves some alteration in selection of catheter shapes and major modification of catheter manipulation techniques, forming the bulk of the “learning curve.” The learning curve for transradial catheterization is variable and ranges between 20–200 procedures.
While doing angiography on post Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) patient, one can prefer to go from left radial artery as it becomes easy to engage Left Internal Mammary arteries (LIMA) otherwise, angiography of right radial artery; it is difficult to negotiate the diagnostic catheter from aorta to left sub-clavian artery occassionally. Side winder catheter or SIMS catheter (Portex Limited, Hythe, Kent, UK) may be helpful to pass the wire into sub-clavian artery and one can exchange diagnostic JR-4 catheter afterwards and one observe LIMA.
Tools for Transradial Intervention
The benefits of TRI are clearly greatest in the group of patients transferred to an interventional centre for the management of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) following radial angiography10. Recent data suggest that transradial-access PCI can be performed successfully as a follow-on procedure in complex patients and complex lesions, such as in acute-MI patients and those older than 80 years of age11.
As far as equipments are concerned, variety of equipments are available for radial artery access. Since radial artery is smaller than the femoral one, selection and manipulation of TRI is somewhat different than in TFI.
Majority of coronary interventions today are performed via 6F guides and almost all recently designed stents can be delivered through 6F guiding catheters12. Though, catheters or sheaths of up to the size of 8F can be accommodated through the radial approach13,14, at present guiding catheters larger than 6F are rarely required for the purpose of PCI15,16. The most difficult part of any approach is to have strong guide support, sufficient for stent advancement across the target lesion. Coaxial alignment and adequate backup support from the contralateral aortic wall is a prerequisite for safe stenting17.
Guiding Catheter Back-up for Transradial Approach
There are two types of back-up for a guide catheter; “passive” and “active back-up”. Passive back-up is obtained when a catheter is inserted into the coronary artery and left where it is. Active back-up entails the operator manipulating the catheter in some way. When a JR catheter is inserted into the right coronary artery, it is deeply engaged to the end of segment 3, and a stronger back-up is obtained.
Depending on their shape, some catheters are mainly suitable for passive back-up although active back-up may still be obtained (depending on the situation), and others are better suited to passive back-up with active back-up almost impossible. There are still others that are better for active back-up than for passive back-up. The decisive factors are not only the catheter’s shape, but also the size and characteristics of the shaft, whether the right or left radial artery is to be approached, or the shape of the aorta or the site of the coronary artery ostium of each individual patient.
The concern arises as to the extent one should try to obtain passive back-up in transradial coronary intervention. Initially, when rigid inflexible Palmaz-Schatz stents were being implanted using bare mounts, it was strong passive back-up that made the procedure easier. However, when the stent is unable to reach the lesion, it becomes extremely difficult to get the bared Palmaz-Schatz stent back into the guide catheter. This procedure demands sureness of touch and allows no room for failure. With the recent improvements in the performance of stents, it is suggested that passive back-up is rarely required once the catheter is fixed in the coronary artery. With the engagement of the stent assured, and even if the stent cannot pass through the stenosis, it can be retracted. However, it remains essential that the wire and balloon cross the lesion in the first place to ensure complete distal engagement and then rely on active back-up.Both passive and active back-up can be acquired with the 6F guide catheter. When it is required to use “kissing” balloons or doing rotablation with a 6F guide-catheter, it provides a strong passive back-up and devices can be easily inserted. It is possible to obtain stronger passive back-up with the 7F or larger than with the 6F, as long as the shape of the catheter remains the same. This size, however, is not suitable for deep engagement and active back-up is unlikely to be obtained. Contrary to this, a 5F catheter
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can offer a very weak passive back-up as the catheter is merely “hung” onto the coronary artery. However, this soft catheter is suitable for deep engagement and active back-up is easier to obtain. A long-tip catheter offers the benefit of strong passive back-up and makes easy the extremely difficult maneuvers such as crossing the wire and balloon through a chronic total occlusion or wiring with Shepherd’s crook.
Difficult Guide Placement and Guide Wire Movement
Although diagnostic and guiding catheters are now increasingly suited for radial intervention, the placement is still somewhat different than that used via femoral access. Radial intervention requires knowledge of appropriate catheters and sizes, as detailed earlier. After successful access is achieved, it is sometimes difficult to advance the guide wire with conventional equipment and methodology under certain conditions. These rare conditions include unusual coronary anatomy, chronic total occlusion, heavy vessel calcification, tortuosity and angulation, or ostial disease which prohibits deep engagement of the guiding catheter. Methods to enhance stent delivery in challenging coronary anatomy include adequate “lesion or vessel preparation” by balloon such as with the AngioSculpt® (AngioScore, Inc., Fremont, California), or the Cutting Balloon (Boston Scientific Corp., Natick, Massachusetts), and by ablation methods. The choice of supportive guide catheter, “5-in-6” guide catheter method, the use of “extra-support”, single or multiple “buddy wires”, and greater support can be obtained by positioning an additional wire or an inflated balloon in a side branch or even dissection plane.
Alternatively when optimal guide catheter support is lacking and distal stent delivery is challenging, stenting can be facilitated from proximal to distal segments by burying a guide wire under the struts of the proximal stent (“buried wire” method).
Several other maneuvers facilitate guide placement: |
- Start the guide below the ostium (especially when approaching the left coronary), by pushing down on the catheter, the tip will bend up towards the left main. Pulling the catheter back then, will allow the tip to cannulate the ostium. This is different from conventional placement via a femoral approach, which usually engages the ostium from a superior position.
- Always use an exchange length wire when changing catheters to avoid the need to recross the great vessels.
- Although rarely needed the patient can be asked to inspire and/or change the angle of the arm to facilitate catheter movement.
Stabilizing a guide with the Extra-support wire during TRI
Different types of Extra-support wires like Stabilizer Platz (Cordis) and Zinger Support (Medtronic) are available nowadays. While using Extra-support wires, one has to be aware of coronary artery spasm proximal to lesion, especially in tortuous artery (Concentrine effect).
Stabilizing a guide with the “Buddy” wire technique during TRI
In this technique, a second angioplasty wire can be advanced parallel to the first one. It straightens the tortuous proximal segment and provides better support for device tracking. A second wire in a side branch can be very useful in “anchoring” the guide (e.g., second wire in LCX when dilating LAD lesion). This provides for better “backup” and allows retraction of the guide without loss of position when necessary. It also prevents the guide from being “sucked in” beyond the LM when pulling back high profile, poorly rewrapped balloon catheters following stent deployments or post-stent dilations. However, a second wire in a non-diseased branch would cause unnecessary denudation of endothelium in that vessel. If one wire does not help, a third or fourth wire may help to advance the interventional devices.
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Hardware for Transradial |
TRI of Tortuous Arteries
Tortuous coronary arteries often provide a challenge to the interventional cardiologist. PCI of these lesions is associated with a lower success rate (70-85%) and higher acute complications (upto 15%)18-21. Tortuousity may be defined as at least 2 or more than 75º bend proximal to the target lesion or at least one proximal bend 90º. Proper selection of hardware, guide catheters, guide wire and balloon catheter is critical for success and safety of these procedures. The pre-requisites for guide catheter is better support, perfect co-axiality, kink resistance and ability to fix the tip of catheter in ostium of intubated artery contributing to a stable position. For LAD interventions XB, or XB LAD is chosen, whereas a Voda or EBU catheter may be appropriate for the LCX interventions.
Interventions for Left Coronary Artery
For left coronary angioplasty, especially Left Anterior Descending Artery (LAD), the extra-backup curves are advised. Extra backup catheters, EBU (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA) or XB (Cordis, Cordis Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, USA) or Voda (Boston Scientific/Scimed, Maple Grove, MN, USA) are suitable to provide adequate backup during PCI for the left coronary system. The first-choice guide for the left coronary artery (LCA) is the 6F 3.5 extra back-up, which provides greater support than the Judkins due to larger contact area and the fact that it nearly makes a right angle with the contralateral aortic wall. An inherent drawback of extra backup guides is the tendency for deep intubation of the LAD or the left circumflex artery (LCX) in the presence of a short left main (LM). The Judkins guide is useful in the setting of noncomplex lesions or in LM stenosis, in which good support is not a critical factor. Judkins left catheters are also preferred for the left main coronary artery (LMCA) interventions and in rare cases, in which extra backup catheters are not suitable. When the target artery is the LCX, a 0.5 larger size is preferred for better coaxial alignment. If active support is deemed necessary, deep seating in the LAD can be achieved with a 5F short-tip Judkins (JL). An Amplatz left (AL1.5 or 2.0) is suitable for complex lesions of the LCX and provides greater passive support. Cannulation of the LCA ostium and obtaining optimal back-up support might be fairly difficult in patients with a dilated and unfolded aorta. In cases where the innominate artery has a distal origin, the guide approaches the LCA primarily from the left and this hinders manipulation. Deep inspiration and leaving the wire in the guide may help in this setting. |
Interventions for Right Coronary Artery
The guide of choice for noncomplex or ostial right coronary artery lesions is the Judkins (JR) in sizes similar to the ones used for TFI. When the RCA arises more anteriorly or above the right cusp, the tip of the Judkins guide will not stay coaxial inside the right ostium. The coaxial position can best be appreciated by viewing the tip of the guide as a ring in a head-on position with the right anterior oblique (RAO) 30º view. In cases of dilated aorta, there is lack of contact area with the contralateral aortic wall, which results in poor support. The 5F JR and multipurpose (MP) guides are suitable for deep seating or so called guide “Amplatzising”. Indeed, best support can be achieved with the Amplatz (AL) guide itself but the operator should be extremely careful not to cause dissection with the traumatic AL tip. In some centers, radial interventionists have good experience with the dedicated radial curve guides (e.g., Kimney, Fajadet, Barbeau guides).
Transradial intervention in post CABG cases:
Vein graft TRI
For saphenous vein bypass graft PCI, either the Judkins right or Amplatz right guiding catheters are the catheters of choice.
However, for abnormal take-offs or abnormal positions of graft, AL1 or MP guiding catheter may be more appropriate. Alternately, special catheters like El Gamal (EGB) may be used in difficult cases. EGB is a pre-shaped catheter with improved distal end-portion for accessing bypass grafts and more precise access of right coronary artery (RCA). The extra tip segment is slightly longer which allows it to rest against contra-lateral wall for support. It is useful for delivering bulky devices. Left Coronary Bypass (LCB) is another preformed catheter designed for left coronary venous bypass grafts. Its tip has 90 º bend with 70º secondary bend and is shaped much like a cobra catheter. RCB catheter is designed for right coronary venous bypass grafts, its tip and secondary bends approximate 120º. It is shaped much like a JR catheter with a shallower tip bend. Multipurpose A-1 may also be useful in this situation since it has a straight tip which often falls into right coronary bypass grafts easily.
Arterial graft TRIFor left Internal Mammary arteries (LIMA) interventions, the LIMA guiding catheter is preferred. Once the coronary artery is properly cannulated with the guiding |
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catheter, the choice of the percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) guidewire depends upon the characteristics of the lesion. For most lesions, a balanced middle-weight (BMW, Guidant, Abbott Vascular, US) guidewire is used. While tackling chronic total occlusions, a Pilot 50/150 (Guidant, Abbott Vascular, US), a Cross-It 100/200 (Guidant, Abbott Vascular, US), a Conquest (Asahi Intech, Japan) wire, or a Miracle wire (Asahi Intech, Japan) series is used, depending upon the character and severity of the occlusion.
Primary angioplasty and TRI: Addition of Suction Device
For primary angioplasty, the 6F guiding catheter is preferred as most of the thrombus extraction catheters that are available are 6F-compatible. For thrombus extraction from the left anterior descending (LAD) and the right coronary artery (RCA), a deep intubation of the guiding catheter is advocated if the patient’s anatomy permits. The greatest advantage of transradial PCI in acute myocardial infarction is that patients can be taken for PCI immediately after thrombolysis without much concern about local vascular complications, which are a major concern when using the transfemoral route after thrombolysis22,23,24. As stated earlier, once the coronary artery is cannulated, the steps of PCI are essentially similar to those involved in PCI performed through the transfemoral approach. Stenting via the radial route is considered technically more challenging.
The Thrombuster II device has been approved for the removal of thrombus and debris in the coronary or peripheral artery by percutaneous suction25. It is a single-user, easy to handle design based on rapid exchange short monorail system (10mm) using standard guidewire techniques and is available in two sizes for use in 6Fr and 7Fr standard guiding catheters. It has a radiopaque marker at distal guidewire lumen and a proximal luer-lock port. The proximal luer lock connector connects extension tube and the lock type aspiration syringe (30cc) that allows for easy and effective aspiration. The catheter is 140cm long, and its distal portion (30cm) is hydrophilically coated. The inner diameter of aspiration lumen is 1.10mm at proximal part and 1.00mm at distal part as for 6Fr type and 1.32mm at proximal part and 1.20mm at distal part as for 7Fr type. This feature, together with the better flow kinetics of a circular lumen and the hydrophilic coating, is thought to improve its performance. In addition, the proximal cross sectional area of 0.95mm2 and 1.37mm2 (in the 6Fr and 7Fr systems respectively) are the largest currently commercially available thrombectomy devices.
The transradial approach for coronary procedures is a safe technique and virtually abolishes vascular entry site complications and permits a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. Although there is a steep initial learning curve with transradial catheterization, once cardiologists are comfortable with this procedure in elective settings, they can begin to use the technique in many percutaneous coronary interventional procedures, including acute myocardial infarction7. Given the potential benefits associated with transradial cardiac catheterization, it is a technique with which current and future interventional cardiologists should gain increased familiarity and comfort. Nonetheless, technical challenges may impose crossover to another approach, with a rate of about 1 in 14. On the whole, the radial approach is an interesting choice in a broad range of patients, provided that experienced operators, state-of-the-art materials, and willingness to crossover to the femoral approach are available.
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