Clinical Research Article | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Limitations of Currently Available Thrombolytic Therapy |
Acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is a leading cause of mortality all over the world. In the 1970s, acute myocardial infarction (AMI) was demonstrated ,in nearly all cases to be the result of thrombotic occlusion of the coronary artery due to ruptured atherosclerotic plaque.1 Following this, Rentrop’s innovation ,in 1979, demonstrated that local infusion of streptokinase into the infarct related artery could promptly restore vessel patency and re-establish flow.2 Later, the efficacy of a high-dose brief duration intravenous infusion of streptokinase in achieving early patency of the infarct related vessel was demonstrated by Schroder,4. A 26 % reduction in 30 day mortality in two landmark trials of GISSI-1 and ISIS-2 validated the use of streptokinase in treatment of acute myocardial infarction.5,6 Finally, the GUSTO -1 investigators demonstrated front loaded or accelerated alteplase or tPA to be superior to streptokinase in reducing mortality7 . Since then, several newer thrombolytic agents have been demonstrated to be effective but none of these has been shown to be superior to accelerated infusion of alteplase (tPA), still considered the gold standard for thrombolytic therapy. Under certain circumstances, when thrombolytic therapy fails or it cannot be used, PCI remains the only alternative for restoring vessel patency. Although PCI has been shown to provide more complete and sustained reperfusion than thrombolysis, thrombolytic therapy still remains most commonly used reperfusion therapy all over the world, especially in regions where PCI is not feasible and particularly in first three hours of acute myocardial infarction when the more prompt reperfusion with thrombolytics may balance the superiority of PCI8. The main goal of thrombolytic therapy is early and sustained vessel patency resulting in increased myocardial salvage, preservation of left ventricular function and lower mortality.9,10 Since the availability of streptokinase, many newer agents have been studied in clinical trials, some of which are no longer used in clinical practice. Presently, thrombolytics agents can be categorised as below11 A. First-generation thrombolytic agents 1. Streptokinase 2. Urokinase |
B. Second-generation thrombolytic agents
C. Third -generation thrombolytic agents
Currently available thrombolytic agents approved by US FDA for use in acute myocardial infarction are streptokinase, alteplase, tenecteplase and reteplase (Table 1).
STK Streptokinase, tPA alteplase, TNK tenecteplase, rPA reteplase, ICH-intracerebral haemorrhage.
Correspondence: Prof KK Talwar, Professor and Head , Department of Cardiology, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India. Tel 0172-2755555, Fax 91-172-2744401 E-mail: |
Indian Heart J. 2009;
61:470-475 |
Limitations of Currently Available Thrombolytic Therapy |
THE IDEAL THROMBOLYTIC AGENT Although thrombolytic therapy is an established cornerstone in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction, the use of these agents has important limitations which influence the selection of reperfusion strategies. One of the most common and most serious limitations of fibrinolytic therapy is failure to achieve optimal reperfusion. The critical determinant of success of thrombolytic therapy is its very early administration. Patients treated within golden first hour from symptom onset have more than 50% reduction in mortality. Thereafter mortality advantage drops sharply and patients presenting beyond 12 hours derive little, if any, benefit from thrombolysis. However only small proportion of patients with acute myocardial infarction receive very early therapy. In GISSI-15 and ISIS-2 6 trials, only 10% patients were treated within golden first hour. Since the highest reduction in mortality is seen when reperfusion is started within 60-90 minutes of the onset of symptoms, transfer of patient to a centre with facility for primary angioplasty has not been shown to be superior to prehospital thrombolysis in reducing mortality8. As tenecteplase and reteplase can be administered as bolus, these two agents are suitable for prehospital thrombolysis. Tenecteplase is especially suited for this purpose since it is as efficacious and safe as tPA, more fibrin specific than reteplase, requires single bolus compared to two bolus doses of reteplase and is available in India. Though it is cheaper than tPA but the cost is still very high, beyond the reach of many patients. As transport time in the community in India usually exceeds 90 minutes, this agent has the potential to become a commonly used agent for prehospital thrombolysis. Although public education, rapid triage of patients presenting with chest pain and prehospital thrombolysis may be helpful in overcoming some of these limitations but a short window period with thrombolytic therapy remains an important limitation.
Epicardial Reperfusion Most of the initial data with thrombolytic therapy initially focused mainly on infarct related artery patency. About 60-80% of patients achieve recanalization with currently available thrombolytic therapy. Failure to restore infarct related artery patency with thrombolytic therapy is associated with higher rates of in-hospital mortality and morbidity and lack of recovery of left ventricular function compared to patients with successful thrombolysis.12,13. A retrospective analysis of six angiographic trials of different fibrinolytic regimens showed that patients who achieved normal (TIMI grade 3) flow in IRA had a 30 day mortality pf 3.6% vs 6.6% in patients with slow (TIMI 2) flow and 9.5 % in patients with an occuluded artery (TIMI grade 0 or 1 flow) 14. As TIMI 3 flow has been shown to be superior to TIMI 2 flow in terms of reduction in infarct size as well as short and long term mortality, TIMI 3 flow should be the ultimate goal of reperfusion therapy15.The TIMI phase one trial revealed that t-PA was superior to streptokinase with twice the rate of open arteries at 90 minutes (70% vs 43%) independent of the baseline angiogram16 .Similar results were reported by a European Cooperative Study Group .17 Microvascular Perfusion One of the simple and readily available methods in cardiac catheterisation laboratory for tissue level perfusion is TIMI myocardial perfusion grade (TMPG). Gibson et. al19 showed that abnormal myocardial perfusion as assessed by TIMI myocardial perfusion grade (TMPG) 0/1/2 flow was associated with significantly higher (4.7%) 30 day mortality compared to TMPG 3 flow (0.7%) despite epicardial TIMI 3 flow in both. Thus |
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:470-475 |
K K Talwar | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TMPG predicts mortality independent of epicardial blood flow.Other diagnostic tools to evaluate tissue and microvascular perfusion in patients with STEMI include Myocardial Contrast Echocardiography, Doppler flow wire, PET scanning, Nuclear SPECT imaging and MRI. The parameters of microvascular flow have been correlated with ST-segment resolution on 12-lead ECG. Greater degree of ST-segment resolution has been associated with higher degree of vessel patency and TIMI 3 flow20. Persistent ST segment elevation has been shown to indicate abnormalities of tissue level perfusion in spite of normal epicardial flow as well as it has been found to predict poor recovery of wall motion in the infarct area and clinical events including death20. Thus resolution of ST segment elevation on bedside 12 -lead ECG still remains the most useful and simple measure of epicardial and tissue level perfusion.
Reocclusion of the infarct-related artery after successful reperfusion remains a major limitation of thrombolysis and is associated with significant morbidity and up to a threefold increase in mortality.22 After successful thrombolysis, early thrombotic reocclusion still occurs in 5% to 10% of patients before hospital discharge and in up to 25% of patients by 3 months.23,24,25,26. Data from the Global Utilization of Streptokinase and t-PA for Occluded Arteries (GUSTO) 27, 28 trials showed that minimal lumen diameter, percent stenosis and lesion length and irregularity did not predict angiographic reocclusion at 5 to 7 days after thrombolysis. TIMI 4 study group however, identified several simply assessed angiographic variables, such as the presence of TIMI grade 2 flow, ulceration, collateral vessels and greater percent diameter stenosis at 90 min after thrombolytic therapy, to be associated with significantly higher rates of infarct-related artery reocculusion by 18 to 36 h 29. TAMI 5 investigators reported reocclusion rates of 14% for tPA and 6% for urokinase.30 Thus although various studies have identified some angiographic variables predictive of reocculusion but no such clinical factors have been identified as yet. As the first generation thrombolytic agents are not fibrin specific, they convert circulating plasminogen to plasmin. As there is a constant equilibrium between circulating plasminogen and plasminogen in thrombus, there is depletion of plasminogen reducing |
clot lysis and efficacy of the thrombolytic agents. This is known as Plasminogen steal. Fibrin specific agents have overcome this limitation and are also more effective than first generation agents31. Early hazard is a well reported limitation of thrombolytic therapy with excess of deaths in first 24 hours, especially in patients treated >12 hours of symptom onset, although, this excess early mortality is offset by the 18% reduction in mortality by 35 days. The likely mechanisms responsible for early hazard include increased risk of myocardial rupture, fatal intracranial haemorrhage and possible reperfusion injury32. Gentamycin sensitivity is a peculiar limitation for alteplase therapy as gentamycin is used in the prepration of alteplase. 3. Acute Myocardial infarction with Cardiogenic Shock Thrombolytic therapy has decreased the incidence of cardiogenic shock in patients with STEMI. In three large series of patients with STEMI receiving thrombolytic therapy, the incidence of shock has ranged from 4.2-7.2 %.33 The GUSTO-1 trial revealed that t-PA is more efficacious than streptokinase in preventing shock. 34 In a STEMI patient developing cardiogenic shock, it is very important to rule out mechanical complications like acute mitral regurgitation or ventricular septal rupture as a cause of shock for selecting an optimal treatment strategy. The SHOCK registry is the only completed randomised trial which addresses the issue of aggressive revascularisation in patients with cardiogenic shock. In this trial 150 patients were randomised to medical therapy which included thrombolysis and 152 patients were assigned to revascularization by either angioplasty or CABG. The authors found that although there was no significant difference in primary end point of 30 day mortality between two groups ( 46.7% in invasive arm vs 57 % with medical therapy , p=0.11). At 6 months, however, a significant mortality benefit was observed in the invasive arm compared to medical therapy (50.3% vs 63.1%,p=0.002). 35 Unlike the situation in most patients with acute STEMI where thrombolytic therapy has been shown to limit infarct size, preserve left ventricular ejection fraction and decrease mortality, no apparent benefit has been observed in patients with cardiogenic shock secondary to left ventricular failure. Lower perfusion rates, higher reocclusion rates, associated mechanical complications or completed infarction may explain lack of benefit with thrombolytic therapy. As restoration of infarct artery patency is especially important in these patients, emergent mechanical revascularization is considered treatment of choice for patients with cardiogenic shock secondary to left ventricular failure and STEMI. 36 So present data indicate a limited role, if any, of thrombolytic therapy in patients with STEMI who develop cardiogenic shock secondary to left ventricular failure and invasive therapy remains treatment of choice in this subgroup of patients.
Indian Heart J. 2009;
61:437-439 |
Strategy of In Ambulance Thrombolysis Followed by Routine PCI in AMI | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
from onset of symptoms. Studies have shown that thrombolysis is most effective within the first golden hour and largely ineffective after 6 hours while primary PCI is largely effective at all points of time37. 6. Cost |
Streptokinase which was recently launched in the Indian market. Being a recombinant protein, it is free from any traces of streptolysin / streptodornase associated with natural streptokinase and is likely to further reduce the cost of streptokinase in the Indian market. A new clot specific streptokinase from the same institute is undergoing regulatory testing and is expected to be commercialised in the year 2011 (Personal communication – Dr Girish Sahni, IMTECH, Chandigarh). Urokinase is next commonly used agent, costing approximately Rs. 20,000 for full dose of 3 million units. It is usually used in situations where streptokinase cannot be used. At present, urokinase production is limited due to problems in the manufacturing process. tPA (alteplase) is the most expensive agent available ,costing approximately Rs. 90,000/- per full dose. Another currently available agent in India is Tenectaplase, costing approximately Rs. 30,000/- . Being fibrin specific and more economical but almost as efficacious as tPA, it is has a potential to become one of the commonly used thrombolytic agent in the Indian market. This comparison shows that cost still remains a limiting factor for most of these agents except for streptokinase. Although tenecteplase is likely to overcome the cost limitation of tPA but as of now primary angioplasty appears to be more cost effective compared to tPA in India. 7. Re-adminstration Streptokinase and APSAC, being foreign proteins, are antigenic and leads to formation of neutralising antibodies .Its subsequent use may not only reduce its efficacy but also increase the risk of hypersensitivity reactions. Jalihal et. al. 43 observed that titres of streptokinase neutralizing antibodies become enough to neutralise full standard dose 12 weeks after administration and maintain enough concentration to neutralize half the dose up to 34 weeks. Authors recommended not repeating the drug up to one year after exposure. However other authors found high titres of antistreptokinase antibodies persisting for upto 4 years after exposure and thus advised to avoid re-exposure within 4 years. 44 Practically, this limits re-usability of streptokinase beyond 5 days to 2 years of its administration. However other agents do not have this limitation and can be reused. 8. Contraindications to Thrombolytic Therapy Only approximately 50-60 % of the STEMI patients are eligible for thrombolytic therapy. The rest may not be eligible due to delayed presentation, presence of contraindications or concerns of risk benefit raito. |
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:470-475 |
K K Talwar | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute and Relative Contraindications for Thrombolytic Therapy in Patients with Acute ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: |
reducing the time to reperfusion in patients treated within 2 hours of onset of symptoms. Due to its fibrin specificity, ease of administration as a single bolus, the efficacy equivalent to tPA and cost effectiveness, tenecteplase may soon become one of the commonly used thrombolytic agent in India. Despite these merits of thrombolytic therapy, there are some important limitations which have not yet been overcome even with the availability of newer third generation agents. Recognition of these limitations is of utmost clinical importance in appropriately selecting a suitable reperfusion therapy for an individual patient. Major intracerebral haemorrhage and bleeding complications limit more aggressive attempts at achieving rapid and sustained reperfusion. This creates an impression of ‘ceiling’ for beneficial effects of thrombolytic therapy. As the current data emphasises the significance of early and sustained epicardial and microvascular reperfusion in reducing mortality in acute myocardial infarction, further improvement can be achieved not only by discovery of newer agents /regimens but also by patient education and appropriate use of the existing strategies References | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:470-475 |
Limitations of Currently Available Thrombolytic Therapy |
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