How to do it?

Echocardiography For Assessment of Electromechanical Dyssynchrony
Rahul Mehrotra, Manish Bansal, H.K. Chopra, Ravi R. Kasliwal
Sr. Consultant Cardiologist, Apollo Hospital and Moolchand Medcity, New Delhi, India

Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) using atriobiventricular pacing has evolved into a useful therapeutic option for patients with heart failure, refractory to optimal medical therapy. Improvements in quality of life, morbidity, mortality, severity of mitral regurgitation (MR) and left ventricular (LV) function have been demonstrated in large randomized clinical trials but the treatment is invasive and expensive. Besides, about one third of patients remain unresponsive in spite of the device implantation using the existing criteria. There is thus a need to carefully identify the patients most likely to benefit by this intervention using indices of mechanical dyssynchrony. Out of the several imaging and electrophysiological modalities studied, echocardiography has emerged as the modality having
the maximum potential to identify the subset of patients most likely to respond. Although the current selection criteria for CRT do not include assessment of mechanical dyssynchrony1, clinicians and researchers recognize the potential role of echocardiography in carefully selecting patients for this form of therapy and noninvasive cardiologists are frequently called upon to perform a “dyssynchrony analysis” towards this aim. Several echocardiography and ancillary technique based criteria
have been proposed but it has been shown that factors like
reproducibility and feasibility interfere with the results and there is considerable variability when comparisons are made in a multicenter setting2. This article aims to present the current state of the art in quantifying mechanical dyssynchrony so as to minimize these effects and assist in selection of suitable candidates for CRT. However, this is not a comprehensive review but a practical guide to performing some of the commonest measurements in routine practice.

The three types of cardiac dyssynchrony that have been described are: atrioventricular (AV), interventricular (VV), and
intraventricular dyssynchrony. Atrioventricular dyssynchrony Atrioventricular dyssynchrony is said to be present when the diastolic filling period (DFP) occupies less than 40% of cardiac cycle (measured by R-R interval).
1. To obtain DFP, obtain the apical four-chamber view with
mitral valve in the centre of the frame.
2. Using pulsed Doppler with the sample volume placed at the tips of mitral leaflets; obtain a spectral display of mitral inflow pattern.
3. Measure the time from the onset to the end of the spectral
display- this represents DFP.
4. Measure the R-R interval using any two consecutive regular beats. Divide DFP with R-R interval and multiply by hundred to obtain a percentage value (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Assessment of atrioventricular dyssynchrony using pulsed-Doppler measurement of mitral inflow velocity at mitral leaflet tips (see text for details).

Interventricular dyssynchrony
Interventricular mechanical dyssynchrony is assessed by
measuring the interventricular mechanical delay. A difference of 40 milliseconds (ms) or more in the onset of ejection of right ventricular (RV) and LV is considered significant.

1. To obtain time to onset of LV ejection, obtain the apical five-chamber view and place the pulsed-Doppler sample volume at the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT).
2. Measure the time from the onset of QRS complex to the
onset of the pulsed-Doppler flow velocity. This is the LV
pre-ejection period (LVPEP). 3. To obtain the time to onset of RV ejection, obtain the left ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) view (para-sternal shortaxis) and place the pulsed-Doppler sample volume at RVOT. Measure the time interval from onset of QRS complex to the onset of pulse-Doppler velocity curve. This is the RV pre ejection period (RVPEP).
4. The difference of LVPEP and RVPEP gives interventricular
mechanical delay (figure 2).

Correspondence: Dr. Ravi R. Kasliwal, Sr. Consultant, Cardiologist, Apollo Hospital, New Delhi.
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:218-222
Echocardiography for Assessment of Electromechanical Dyssynchrony
  Figure 2a
  Figure 2b
Figure 2: Pulsed-wave spectral Doppler display at left ventricular outflow tract showing aortic pre-ejection period (2a) and right ventricular outflow tract showing pulmonary pre-ejection period (2b). The difference between the aortic and pulmonary pre-ejection periods is 59 msec suggestive of significant interventricular dyssynchrony.

Another method to assess interventricular dyssynchrony is
based on color coded Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI)
measurement of time-to-peak systolic velocity of RV and LV
basal segments (septum or lateral wall used in different reports). However, it is less reliable and hence not recommended for routine use. Although interventricular dyssynchrony is simple and reproducible, it is not a specific index for prediction of response to CRT3.
Intraventricular dyssynchrony
Intraventricular dyssynchrony is the principal factor responsible for contractile dysfunction, the one most affected by and most predictive of response to resynchronization therapy. Large number of indices have been described and evaluated in studies using several echocardiographic modalities. The most commonly used echocardiography techniques used for assessment of
intraventricular dyssynchrony are-

1. M-mode measurement of septal-posterior wall mechanical

delay (SPWMD)
2. TDI for measurement of-
- time to peak systolic longitudinal velocity of various
myocardial segments
- time to peak systolic longitudinal strain and strain
rate of various myocardial segments
3. Assessment of radial dyssynchrony using speckle-tracking
4. Three-dimensional echocardiography
This is the simplest technique to assess the septal-to-posterior wall motion delay.
1. Position the M-Mode cursor at the papillary muscle level in either the parasternal long or short axis view.
2. Keeping the sweep speed from 50-100 mm/second, measure the time delay from peak inward septal motion to peak inward posterior wall motion.
This technique is quite simple and widely available but it is often quite difficult to identify the peaks in both the walls. To
overcome this shortcoming, color TDI M-mode is now
recommended as it enables the identification of the peak systole by the sharp color transition.
1. Position the M-Mode cursor at the papillary muscle level in either the parasternal long or short axis view.
2. Keeping the sweep speed from 50-100 mm/second, select color TDI.
3. Measure the time delay from peak inward septal motion to peak inward posterior wall motion, as indicated by the sharp color transition (figure 3).
A value > 130ms signifies dyssynchrony and response to CRT with a high degree of sensitivity4.
Figure 3: M-mode with color tissue Doppler imaging for measurement of septal posterior wall mechanical delay (SPWMD). Sharp color transition makes identification of peak myocardial motion in anterior septum and posterior wall easier (arrows). In the above example, SPWMD was 30 msec.
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:218-222
Rahul Mehrotra et al

A) Measurement of time to peak- systolic longitudinal
Assessment of longitudinal shortening velocities from the apical
window with TDI has been studied extensively and several
indices proposed5. There are two approaches possible- pulsed-
TDI or color-coded TDI but owing to several limitations with
pulsed-TDI, color TDI is now the preferred method and is
described here.
1. Obtain a noise free ECG trace and good quality 2D image
from the apical window with the LV cavity in the centre of
image sector and the depth adjusted to include the mitral
2. Activate color TDI, adjusting the sector width so as to keep
the frame rate > 90 frames/second.
3. Suspend breathing if possible and acquire 3-5 beats (sinus
rhythm) or more (in case of ectopics).
The same sequence is followed to acquire images in the
three apical views- 4-chamber, 2-chamber and long-axis
4. Apical 5-chamber view is used to record the velocity trace
at LVOT using pulsed-Doppler. Time interval from the
onset of LV ejection to the end of LV ejection is measured.
These time interval will be used for identification of systolic
velocities and their differentiation from velocities during
the isovolumetric contraction period and during post-systolic
period in the subsequent analysis.
Measurement of time-to-peak systolic velocity can now be
performed both online and offline, as described below-
5. Select the view (4C, 2C and apical long-axis) and position
the regions of interest (~5-10mm) in each of the basal and
mid segments thus producing four time-velocity curves for
each view.
6. As mentioned, the ejection time is superimposed on the
velocity curves and helps to identify the various components
of the velocity curve-the isovolumetric contraction wave,
the systolic wave (S), the isovolumetric relaxation wave,
early (E) and late (A) diastolic waves (figure 4).
7. The time from onset of QRS to the peak of systolic wave is
obtained for each segment (total 12 segments in 3 views).
Time difference between the opposing segment peak systolic
waves can also be measured directly in each view (total 6
time intervals in 3 views) (figure 5).
An average of at least 3-5 beats should be obtained, excluding
the sequences with atrial or ventricular premature beats to
improve reproducibility.
The data thus obtained can be used to calculate any of the several
proposed dyssynchrony indices, as below 5-


Figure 4: Color tissue velocity imaging showing different waveforms (IVCisovolumetric contraction, S- systolic wave, IVR- isovolumetric relaxation and E’ & A’- early and late diastolic waves,). Aortic valve opening (AVO) and aortic valve closure (AVC) are superimposed on this image to allow differentiation of these waveforms.
Figure 5: Color tissue Doppler imaging for measurement of time-to-peaksystolic velocity. There is an 80 msec delay between basal posterior (yellow curve) and the basal anterior septum (blue curve) indicating significant intraventricular dyssynchrony.
o Delay in time-to-peak-systolic velocity between opposing
walls- > 65msec,
o Maximum delay in time-to-peak-systolic velocity between
any two myocardial segments- >100msec, or
o Standard deviation of the time-to-peak-systolic velocity of
the 12 basal and mid LV segments- > 33msec.
B) Measurement of time to peak- systolic longitudinal
strain (S) and strain rate (SR)

Since tissue velocity is easily influenced by translational
movement of the heart and by the tethering effect of adjacent
segments, S and SR have been developed as more reliable
markers of myocardial contraction. Their role in assessment of myocardial dyssynchrony has also been evaluated in a few studies. However, these strain parameters, especially SR, have
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:218-222
Echocardiography for Assessment of Electromechanical Dyssynchrony
poor signal-to-noise ratio, limiting their accuracy and
reproducibility. Hence, their routine use for assessment of
dyssynchrony is not recommended. However, if desired, both S and SR can be measured from the same color TDI dataset acquired for measurement of myocardial velocities. Strain imaging application of the analysis software needs to be turned on for obtaining regional S and SR curves and time-delays among various segments can be measured during offline analysis.

Conventionally, myocardial velocities and deformation have
been measured using TDI. However, being Doppler-based, they are limited by angle dependence which remains a major challenge to its clinical utility. This makes measurement of myocardial velocities difficult if ultrasound beam can not be aligned parallel to the myocardial segment due to altered LV shape or in case of apical segments. In addition, circumferential strain can not be
measured at all using TDI whereas measurement of radial strain is restricted only to anterior septum and posterior wall in shortaxis view and even that is fraught with several fallacies. Recently, 2-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography (STE) has been developed to overcome the problem of angle dependency. Recent studies on radial strain, measured using STE, have shown it to have additive value in assessment of myocardial dyssynchrony6. To measure radial S with STE-
1. Obtain Gray-scale images using harmonic B-mode imaging in parasternal short-axis view (mid-ventricular level). Keep the frame rate of 50-70 frames/s. Three consecutive cardiac cycles are acquired during breath hold.
2. For analysis, single cardiac cycle is selected and the
endocardial border is traced manually at end-systole. The
region of interest is manually adjusted to include the entire
myocardial thickness - care should be taken to exclude
pericardium from the region of interest.
3. The analysis software then automatically selects stable
speckles within the myocardium and tracks these speckles
frame-by-frame throughout the cardiac cycle. The adequacy
of tracking can be verified manually and the region of
interest readjusted to achieve optimal tracking.
4. The software then automatically divides the entire LV
circumference in up to six conventional segments to generate
traces depicting regional radial Strain for each segment
(figure 6).
5. A difference of > 130 msec in the time-to-peak systolic
radial S of anterior septum and posterior wall is considered
to be predictive of response to CRT6. Value of other timing
intervals is not known at present.
Three-dimensional echocardiography for assessment
of dyssynchrony-
Figure 6a
Figure 6b
Figure 6: Two-dimensional speckle tracking for measurement of radial strain at mid-ventricular level- 6a) synchronous contraction of all six myocardial segments in this view; 6b) mid posterior wall (pink curve) is significantly delayed as compared to the mid anterior septum (yellow curve).
Real time 3D echocardiography (RT3DE) is a relatively new but very promising tool in the assessment of dyssynchrony. The greatest advantage of RT3DE is that it enables the comparison of synchrony in all segments in the same cardiac cycle. We describe the technique using the matrix transducer.
1. Place the LV in the middle of the sector with depth
minimized to include only the mitral valve.
2. Adjust 2D gain. Keep TGCs and LGCs in the middle.
3. Obtain a live 3D image and again adjust gain and TGCs
(especially at the apex).
4. During breath hold at end expiration, acquire a full-volume data set (a pyramidal volume of 90°x90°).
5. Examine the dataset and ensure that it is obtained during
regular R-R intervals to minimize artifacts and accept the
full volume dataset if it is optimally acquired.
Quantitative analysis involves using software which enables LV volumetric analysis with semiautomatic edge detection to produce a cast of the LV cavity. By dividing this cast into pyramidal sub volumes based around a non-fixed central point, it is possible to gain an estimation of time to minimum volume for each of the
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:218-222
Rahul Mehrotra et al
16 standard myocardial segments, as defined by the American Society of Echocardiography. The data can be represented in the form of global and regional volume curves, parametric maps and the calculated dyssynchrony index7 (figure 7). Quantification of mechanical dyssynchrony with RT3DE takes all myocardial segments into account by examining the composite effect of radial, circumferential, and longitudinal contraction and has been found to be reproducible with a variability of <10%8.
Figure 7a
Figure 7b
Figure 7: Three-dimensional echocardiography for assessment of
intraventricular dyssynchrony showing segmental time-to-minimum volume in segmental shell-view display (7a) and in the parametric display (7b) with regional curves.
1. Good quality ECG with a stable baseline and clear delineation of the onset of QRS complex is an essential requirement for accurate measurement of time periods.
2. Choose en ectopic free sequence and acquire at least 3-5 beats with breath held in expiration.
3. For TDI analysis, a sweep speed of 50-100 is recommended to improve temporal resolution.
4. Tissue Doppler analysis is highly angle dependent and misaligned images produce velocity curves consisting of not only the longitudinal but also the radial velocities. The sample volume should be as parallel as possible to the incident beam.
5. While analyzing color TDI data, the region-of-interest should be moved within the myocardial segment to obtain the most reproducible velocity curve with minimum artifacts.
6. If more than one systolic peak is obtained in the tissue velocity curve, the most reproducible peak of maximum amplitude should be used for analysis. If two or more peaks have same amplitude, the earlier peak should be taken into consideration.
7. For 3D imaging, optimum gain settings with clear delineation of the endocardial border, especially at the apex should be ensured.
8. A complete echocardiographic study along with quantitation of mitral regurgitation should always be performed in all cases.
9. Right ventricular systolic function should also be assessed routinely during dyssynchrony analysis and the findings should be reported.
10. No single parameter is predictive and there is no standard recommended approach. Hence, all the parameters possible depending on the laboratory and expertise should be evaluated.

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