Clinical Research Article |
Dual Antiplatelet Therapy in ACS: Time-Dependent Variability in Platelet |
INTRODUCTION Platelets play an important role in the pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). Various pathogenetic mechanisms have been identified linking platelets and cardiovascular ailments. In this regard, the sympathetic nervous system has been documented to be an important player1. Most of the events in ACS occur during the initial hours of presentation2 and there is still an enormous scope for improvement because of the increasing burden of coronary artery disease globally. Along with several other agonists, catecholamines may act synergistically to cause enhanced platelet aggregation during the early phase of ACS3 which might contribute to increased occurrence of adverse events during this period, despite administration of dual antiplatelet drugs (aspirin and clopidogrel)4. Although ThromboxaneA2 |
TxA2) and Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP) induced platelet
aggregation is blocked by Aspirin and Clopidogrel
respectively, there is still no approved medication to block
the α−2 adrenoreceptors through which catecholamines act.
In the present study, we have tried to investigate the
epinephrine induced aggregation pattern of platelets after 48
hours and 7 days following initiation of dual antiplatelet
therapy and its correlation with the activity of other agonists
(collagen and ADP) during the same period. MATERIAL AND METHODS Study group. We prospectively enrolled 64 patients with a diagnosis of ACS between September 2008 and February 2009 after obtaining informed written consent. The patients were |
Correspondence: Prof (Dr) Santanu Guha, Head of the Department, Department of Cardiology, Medical College, 88 College Street, Kolkata 700073 West Bengal Email : |
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:173-177 |
Santanu Guha et al |
recruited from consecutive patients presenting within 12
hours of onset of symptoms, admitted to the Cardiology ward
and ICCU of Medical College, Kolkata. The study was
reviewed and approved by the Institutional Ethical Committee.
All patients were >21 years old and received both aspirin and |
used for comparison of normally distributed continuous
variables between the 2 groups. p<0.05 was considered
statistically significant. Statistical analysis was performed
with SPSS v10.0 software (SPSS Inc. Chicago).
Platelet function after dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin
and clopidogrel was analyzed in all 64 patients by conventional
aggregometry. Demographic parameters, risk factors,
medications used and left ventricular function of the patients
are depicted in table 1. Majority of patients had one or more
risk factors. Diabetes Mellitus was present in 59.4% of cases.
Most of the patients were hypertensive (56.2%). 43.7% of the
patients were smokers (including 16 females) and elevated
LDL (LDL>100mg/dL) was found in 46.9% cases. Platelet
aggregation study with 10μM of epinephrine 48 hours and 7
days after initiation of dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin
and clopidogrel showed a mean aggregation of 52.3±14.2%
and 30.4±17.2% respectively (p value < 0.0001) (fig 1).
Mean platelet aggregation with ADP(10μM) and collagen
(2μg/ml) also showed a higher mean aggregation initially
and a significant decrease after 7 days of antiplatelet treatment
(71.2±8.3% to 47.3±12.4% and 48.2±16.2% to 22.7±11.3%
Considering the risk factors, the diabetics showed an increased
initial aggregation in response to epinephrine when compared
to non-diabetics. There was no difference in the initial
aggregation pattern among those with hypertension and
elevated LDL. The initial aggregation pattern was higher in
smokers than in non smokers although this difference did not
reach a statistically significant level. |
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:173-177 |
Dual Platelet Aggregation in ACS |
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:173-177 |
Santanu Guha et al |
cyclooxygenase product of arachidonic acid metabolism in
platelets. The clinical effects of blocking TxA2 and ADP
induced activation are well known. The present study was
designed to gain an insight into the pathophysiological aspects
occurring during this initial period of ACS in patients who
are under the therapeutic regime of dual antplatelet therapy.
Catecholamine-induced changes of platelet response have
been reported to be involved in the mechanism linking stress,
sympathoadrenal hyperactivation and cardiovascular disease6.
Stress commonly increases the adrenaline levels to 1-2nmol/
L, but in other conditions of sympathetic activation, such as
shock, myocardial infarction, intense physical activity,
catecholamine levels can even reach upto 5-10 nmol/L 7-10.
However, a sudden surge in the level of catecholamines can
potentiate the aggregation mediated by other agonists like
ADP and arachidonic acid by increasing the sensitivity of the
platelets to such agonists. The presence of even a small
concentration of ADP and/or arachidonic acid may activate
platelets in such situations. The documented decrease in
number of adrenoceptors immediately after myocardial
infarction, as a consequence of the raised levels of
catecholamines11 perhaps leads more credence to the fact that
there indeed is a catecholamine surge during such episodes.
In addition to circulating catecholamines, recent studies have
underlined the importance of intraplatelet catecholamines in
the control of platelet responses. Intracellular noradrenaline
content is directly correlated with platelet sensitivity to
collagen and negatively correlated with the sensitivity to the
inhibitory effects of prostacycline12,13 Epinephrine induced
increase in platelet aggregation has been found to be
concentration dependent14. It has also been proven that there
is a direct correlation between the plasma concentration of adrenaline early in the course of acute myocardial infarction |
However, in our study, we have found significant platelet
aggregation using Epinephrine (Mean 52.3±14.2%), ADP
(Mean 71.2±8.3%) and Collagen (Mean 48.2±16.2%) 48
hours after initiation of dual antiplatelet therapy.
A recent report18, demonstrating the incorporation of
radiolabelled platelets into the thrombus after myocardial
infarction, has postulated that this process may be the
underlying cause of thrombus proliferation and infarct
progression. It may also be safely predicted that excess
platelet activation might prevent recanalisation of a
thrombosed vessel19. The demonstration of increased platelet
aggregation even after 48 hours of dual antiplatelet therapy,
in comparison to the aggregation documented 120 hours later
in all patients, highlights the altered milieu in the early hours
after the event. The increased in vitro platelet aggregation
might be either due to the initial catecholamine surge or the
incomplete efficacy of the antiplatelet agents to block the
ADP and arachidonic acid receptors at this point of time or
activation of other pathways of platelet activation and
aggregation. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies
have shown that a loading dose of 300 mg of clopidogrel
alone is capable of achieving maximal platelet inhibition
after 48 hours20. The presence of heightened platelet
aggregation at 48 hours as observed in the present study
probably points to the fact that the entire milieu takes more
time to settle down exhibiting a decreased aggregation after
7 days of antiplatelet therapy.
A previous study from our group has shown that diabetic
patients are more susceptible to epinephrine induced platelet
aggregation especially those subjects whose platelets show
spontaneous aggregation)21 On the other hand, even in the unstimulated state, platelets from diabetic subjects release more noradrenaline than platelets from non-diabetic subjects22, a finding which may correlate with the additive effects of hyperglycaemia and adrenaline concentrations on platelet activation after myocardial infarction. The platelet adrenoceptor may have an important role generally in stress induced aggregation in diabetic patients. The in-vitro documentation of increased platelet aggregation in diabetics in the present study reconfirms the fact, that, they are truly at higher risk as far as platelet activation and aggregation is concerned, and require a risk adapted therapy. Previous studies have also showed marked alterations in platelet alpha2-adrenoceptors in hypertensive subjects23. But in our study, the difference of platelet aggregation in hypertensive and non-hypertensive patients did not achieve statistical |
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Dual Platelet Aggregation in ACS |
significance. The approach to reduce platelet aggregation early during the course of ACS might comprise blocking sympathetic stimulation and/or increasing the loading dose of antiplatelet therapy. In vitro studies of blocking sympathetic stimulation have been found to be quite promising. Alpha-adrenoceptor antagonists (phentolamine,yohimbine and idazoxan) inhibit the in vitro platelet responses to catecholamines24. Similar observations have been noted by various groups in vivo following intravenous infusion of these drugs24-28. Other substances with specific pharmacological activity and áadrenoceptor blocking action, such as verapamil, ketanserine, amiloride, buflomedil, and nicergoline also modulate the in vitro platelet response to catecholamines26. On the other hand, it has been documented that a loading dose of 600 mg of Clopidogrel can achieve maximal platelet inhibition within 4 hours20. Whether such an approach can reduce the early events in ACS remains to be studied in well-designed randomized controlled trials. Whatever be the modality of intervention, the findings of this study point to an urgent requirement for more aggressive antiplatelet intervention in the first 48 hours especially in high risk groups like diabetics. CONCLUSION The present study documents a heightened state of platelet aggregation seen even after 48 hours of initiation of dual antiplatelet therapy and there is increased epinephrine induced platelet aggregation during this period as compared to the state after 7 days. There is also in vitro evidence of increased ADP and collagen induced platelet aggregation during the early hours which also diminishes with the passage of time. Amongst the high risk groups, there is a heightened initial aggregation in diabetic patients and there is also a trend towards increased early aggregation amongst smokers. This study conceptualizes the hypothetical role of a-2 adrenoreceptor blockers during the early hours following acute coronary syndrome and also warrants further investigations exploring the optimum loading dose of antiplatelet agents, especially clopidogrel in patients with ACS. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We acknowledge the technical support rendered by Mr. Biswajit Bhar. |
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