Clinical Research Article |
The Thoracic Veins and Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation
Jothi Kanagalingam, Samuel J. Asirvatham
Cardiovascular Pathology Department, Johns Hopkins Medical Institution – Baltimore, Maryland, Division of
Cardiovascular Diseases, Department of Medicine and Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine - Mayo
Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota |
The last decade has witnessed a revolution in the management of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF).
Fundamental to these changes has been the understanding that the thoracic veins, which include the pulmonary
veins and superior vena cava, represent the initiating trigger site for atrial fibrillation (AF). In this article, we
discuss the rationale for ablation around the thoracic veins for managing patients with PAF.
We describe a selection of appropriate patients for venous isolation procedures, particularly in the context of
the Indian subcontinent and then go on to explain ablation approaches that optimize safety and efficacy with
the complex procedures.
Although this article is targeted for interventional electrophysiologists beginning these procedures the rational,
initial patient selection for referral and follow up of post ablation patients will be relevant to all practicing
Key words:pulmonary veins, superior vena cava, vein or Marshall, radiofrequency ablation, paroxysmal atrial
fibrillation, atrial fibrillation and chronic atrial fibrillation. |
Radiofrequency ablation procedures have become an
important treatment option fort patients with symptomatic
drug refractory Atrial Fibrillation (AF). Intrinsic to the
development of this major advance has been two important
realizations. First, AF is not a homogenous disorder but
rather consists of paroxysmal (trigger related) and chronic
(substrate) forms of AF and secondly appreciating the role of
the thoracic vein in initiating AF1,2.
For years, AF was thought to be a manifestation of diseased
atrial myocardium3,4. Multiple wavelets of reentry that were
meandering and created a chaotic arrhythmia without a
discrete triggering source were until recently the accepted
understanding of the disorder5-7. In the last dozen years, once
it was realized that PAF is a disorder caused by discrete
initiating triggers or arrhythmia, the potential for treating this
disease by invasively targeting the initiating sites was quickly
realized and rapidly adopted6-9.
While chronic AF still remains a complex disease where
abnormal substrate (atrial myocardium) is paramount in
pathogenesis, the emphasis for management of PAF are the
triggers that initially caused the change from sinus rhythm to
the tachyarrhythmia10
The seminal observation6,7 that the pulmonary vein can
trigger AF put into clinical practice suggestions of earlier
investigators and have allowed us to appreciate the role of
classic venous structures in the etiology of AF better . While
the pulmonary veins are clearly the most important venous
figures for AF, other thoracic veins including superior vena
cava (SVC), atrial tributaries of the coronary sinus and the
coronary sinus itself have all been demonstrated to be potential
triggers for AF8,11,12.
In this article, we briefly discuss the collection of the most
appropriate patients for venous isolation procedures and
provide guidelines for the interventional ablationist to
electrically isolate these veins. A cornerstone to understanding
the correct technique in isolating the pulmonary veins (PV)
is an appreciation of the regional anatomy and the genesis of
the typical pulmonary vein electrograms (PV potentials).
Equally important in appreciating the morphological features
of the complex vein is a thorough understanding of what
constitutes the PV ostium. Finally, and perhaps most
importantly, a discussion on methods to minimize the welldescribed
complications associated with these procedures is
outlined. A brief discussion of the roles of cardiac imaging
in optimizing results with the ablation management of PAF
is included. |
Correspondence: Samuel J. Asirvatham,Division of Cardiovascular Diseases,Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905 |
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:163-172 |
Jothi Kanagalingam et al |
Who Is the Ideal Patient for the Invasive Management of
Atrial Fibrillation?
The pathogenic factors responsible for chronic AF are vastly
different from PAF, but care must be taken in directing
patients for the isolation procedure. The patients who benefit
the most from PV and other venous isolation procedures are
the patients with repeated but self-terminating episodes of
AF. These patients often have a structurally normal heart, are
young and have only mild or moderate enlargement of the left
atrium(LV)13. While hypertension and diastolic dysfunction
may be present in patients with PAF, the severe comorbidities
that accompany chronic AF such as ventricular dysfunction,
congestive heart failure and advanced diabetes are usually
absent. Patients with chronic forms of AF may benefit from
venous isolation; however, very often, additional treatment
that would include extensive linear ablation to modify the
abnormal atrial substrate, continued antiarrhythmic drug therapy
along with possible placement of antitachycardia pacemakers to
address the main typical atrial flutters is required. Even when a
primary substrate mediates the approach like linear ablation,
ablation of fragmented atrial electrograms or targeting the retroatrial
ganglionated plexii, knowledge of the regional anatomy
and addressing the (PVs) remain critical14,15.
It should be emphasized that although patients with PAF tend to
be the same patients with structurally normal hearts, normal size
atria and of a younger age but the critical feature in assessing
which patients are likely to benefit from pulmonary venous
isolation which is the paroxysmal nature of the arrhythmia
itself16. The fact that the arrhythmia self terminates, is powerful
evidence of the lack of severe substrate abnormalities and thus
they enhance the etiological role of the initiating sites for arrhythmia.
Accurate selection is particularly important in the Indian subcontinent
given the limited number of centers, procedures available and
potentially prohibitive costs associated with repeated and failed
procedures. The criteria to identify the best patient for these
procedures are summarized in Table1 given below17,18.
Table 1:The Ideal Candidate for Thoracic Vein
Isolation in Managing Atrial Fibrillation |
1. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
2. Structurally normal heart
3. Younger age
4. Significant and lifestyle altering symptoms despite
attempts at medical therapy
5. Absence of requirement for cardioversion
6. Absence of severe atrial enlargement
7. Relatively recent onset of symptoms (< 5 years) |
Once the appropriate patient has been recognized with
symptomatic PAF despite medical therapy, the next step is
knowing how best to electrically isolate the PV. To do this,
the operator must be fully conversant with understanding the
PV potential and the location of the PV ostium. Once this is
done, the actual technique of the ablation must be known,
specifically how to validate the PV potentials and to know
when the procedure is complete, i.e. entrance block into the
vein has occurred.
The bipolar electrograms from an electrode tipped catheter
placed with the PV produces a characteristic electrogram
(Figure 1). In patients with AF, three distinct components for
the electrogram are noted. First, a far-field component that
represents atrial activation is followed by a period of electrical
silence (isoelectric period) and then a sharp distinct nearfield
electrogram resulting from PV myocardial activation is
identified. The far-field component may be the right or LA,
depending on which PV is being mapped and the near-field
component is almost always a result of conduction into the
PV from the LA (see below). The PV musculature itself is a
complex layer of atrial myocardium that extends into the PV
for variable lengths. An important part of this complex
electrogram is the isoelectric period. While the exact reason
for this delay in activation is not completely understood, it
importantly correlates with the anatomic ostium of the vein.
Thus, the site of electrical delay into the vein or with ectopy
out of the vein corresponds to the ostium of the vein. Studies
have shown that the PV that are most arrhythmogenic and
exhibit the greatest amount of ostial delay (> 30 to 40 ms)8.
Figure 1 A major advance in ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
is the understanding that the electrogram obtained in the pulmonary vein
was characteristic and was normal in patients with atrial fibrillation even
when they are in sinus rhythm. A characteristic electrogram seen in
arrhythmogenic veins. Typically noted is the initial far-field activation of
the atrium followed by a period of electrical silence in the region of the
ostium and then the spike-like pulmonary vein potentials (PVC). |
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:163-172 |
The Thoracic Veins and Ablation for AF |
The key portion of the PV isolation procedures is the
circumferential ablation, in the atrium proximal to the ostium
of the PV that converts this ostial delay to complete conduction
block and thus the abolition of the PV potential.
Although the exact pathology of the ostium is unknown, an
abrupt change in myocardial fiber orientation, fibrosis from
mechanical wear and tear or other cardiac diseases,
interdigitation of venular smooth muscles with cardiac
syncytial muscle and possible nodal remnants located near
the ostia have been thought to be the reason.
An important conundrum exists with regard to the PV ostium19.
On the one hand, it is critical for electrophysiologist to know
exactly where the PV ostium is located since ablation within
the vein results in PV stenosis without getting rid of the entire
arrhythmogenic substrate. On the other hand, even with an
autopsied heart, it is not possible to know exactly where the
PV ends and the LA begins. Usually, four PVs (two to eight
veins) drain into the posterior wall of LA. The actual venoatrial
junction may in some cases be an abrupt transition from
a cylindrical vein to the more bulbous atrium (often the case
with the left sided veins), but other times, the transition is
extremely gradual with a funnel-like opening or a cloacal
entrance that in turn is the drainage site for more than one vein
(Figure 2). Since the exact anatomic location of the ostium
is difficult to know, electrophysiologists should be aware of
this difficulty and err on the side of ablating more proximally
into the LA.
Imaging studies, as well as electrical maneuvers, can aid the
electrophysiologist in approximating the site of the PV
Commonly used methods to appreciate PV anatomy and aid
the ablation procedure include CT scanning, MRI, as well as
retrograde pulmonary venography performed during the
ablation procedure. CT or MRI have the advantage of giving
exquisitely detailed anatomic information on the number and
morphology of the PVs. The methods of branching aberrant
or unusually positioned veins as well as complex drainage
pattern can all be viewed by the operator prior to manipulation
in the patient’s LA. A major disadvantage of these off-line
imaging resources, however, is that changes in left atrial
volume (LAV) and the relative anatomy of the atrium occur
during ablation procedures as a result of dehydration or
. |
Figure 2: The region, anatomy and structure of the pulmonary vein are
variable. In this example a large single ostial side of the vein is noted and
the anterior wall of this vein is just apposed to the posterior wall of the left
atrial appendage near the ostium |
induced tachyarrhythmia. Thus, methods to integrate
previously obtained CT scans (merging technology) with
real-time fluoroscopy, as well as ultrasound, are being
evaluated. The operator must remember that even with the
excellent images seen with today’s CT or MRI scans, the
ostium still has to be approximated, especially when a
gradual, tapering funnel-like entrance to the vein, as is often
seen with the right upper PV exists. CT and MRI are also
useful in identifying the relationship of the LA and PVs with
potential sites of collateral damage with ablation such as the
esophagus, the descending aorta and the left pulmonary
artery (PA).
PV angiography can be performed either antegrade (injection
into the PA with levo-phase imaging) or retrograde (more
commonly retrograde PV angiography is performed). Here,
one of the transseptal sheaths or an end-hole balloon occlusion
catheter is placed at the ostium of the PV, and contrast is
injected. The balloon is then deflated while cine fluoroscopy
is continued to image the ostium. The advantages of
venography are that it can be performed with catheters in
place to understand the relationship of catheters with anatomy.
Venography can also be repeated when there is some question
of spasm, dissection, or stenosis. The main disadvantages of
retrograde pulmonary venography are the needs to use
contrast, the potential that injection itself may affect the vein,
and the possibility that an entire PV may not be recognized
being present since the vein has to be entered to inject dyes.
Pulmonary venography can also be misleading when there
are complex branching patterns in the vein. A very common
error for ablationists early in their practice is to mistake a |
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:163-172 |
Jothi Kanagalingam et al |
branch point of small venous tributaries as being the entrance
of the PV into the LA.
Intracardiac Ultrasound
The linear phased-array imaging with the probe placed in the
right atrium via a femoral vein can be very useful for online
imaging during PV ablation procedures20,21. Intracardiac
ultrasound using this technique can also aid transseptal
puncture, assess for the development of thrombus and quickly
identify potential causes of hypotension including cardiac
perforation20. One of the most important uses for this
technique, however, is to visualize in real-time the PV ostial
region and assess where the ablation catheter is in relation to
the vein. The intracardiac ultrasound probe is placed close to
the fossa ovalis, and the image adjusted for that the lateral
wall of the LA and PV can be visualized. With clockwise
rotation, the right-sided PV can be seen oblique or short axis,
where as the left sided PVs are seen in their long axis with
slight counter clockwise rotation. Doppler evaluation can
assess pulmonary venous flow to quickly detect spasm or
thrombus formation as well as dissection.
The use of endocardial pacing techniques can be very helpful in
identifying the “electrical ostium” of the PV22. When a
circumferential mapping catheter is placed inside the vein, the
classical PV potential is seen. If a mapping catheter is then used
to pace in the LA, left atrial signal is captured and the PV
potential is easily visualized. However, when pacing inside the
vein, the PV potential is captured, and because of the saturation
from the pacing artifact, the pulmonary vein potential is no
longer seen. The concept of pacing near the PV is described
below. Thus, prior to delivery of ablation energy if the operator
is concerned whether the ablation catheter is inside the vein,
pacing can be initiated. If the PV potential is “captured”, then
the catheter is in the vein. With continued pacing, the catheter
is dragged back, and when the PV potential is “released”, then
the ostium has been crossed and the catheter is now in a safe
location in the atrium for ablation to proceed.
Radiofrequency ablation to isolate the PV involves the placement
of ablative lesions in the LA proximal to the ostia of the PV. This
has been variably referred to as periostial ablation or wide area
circumferential ablation. Regardless of the name tag, ablation
is in the LA and not at the ostium or in the PV. Variations in the
technique based on the use of mapping systems or whether
individual veins are isolated exist, but the essentials of the
procedure are constant. With radiofrequency ablation, the
eventual circle of ablative lesions can be placed around each
vein or the right-sided veins and left-sided veins as units. The
exact location of these lesions should not vary whether ultrasound,
three-dimensional mapping or simple fluoroscopy is used. The
ablation lesion should never be placed in the PV but exactly how
far back in the atrium they are placed may vary from operator to
operator. Lesions placed much proximally to the ostium in the
LA have a disadvantage in that the myocardium may be thicker
and difficult to ablate and the circulation ablation lesions may be
so close to each other or to the mitral annulus so as to leave a
small conducting isthmus that promotes reentrant atypical flutters.
When large, wide area lesions have been found necessary and
accomplished most ablationists will connect the circles with
linear ablation and also anchor the left-sided circle to the mitral
annulus to prevent such proarrhythmic flutters.
Alternate energy sources including cryoablation either delivered
in a point-by-point manner or as part of circumferential balloon
based ablation are being investigated, but the methods described
below in terms of assessing endpoints are the same even when
these approaches are used (Figure 3).
Potential difficulty with ablation
Anatomic locations frequently creating difficulty during circular and
wide area ablation include a region between the anterior wall of the
left-sided PV and the left atrial appendage (LAA). This so-called |
Figure 3: An ideal result from circumferential pulmonary vein isolation,
ablation has been carried out in the atrium. A characteristic pulmonary vein
potential is noted on the circumferential mapping catheter (Lasso). Following
the first two episodes of coronary sinus pacing there is an abrupt loss of the
pulmonary vein potential. Note that there was no diminution of the pulmonary
vein electrogram amplitude prior to loss. This is the expected result since
ablation is not being done within the pulmonary vein.
(P1 Art - arterial monitor; II and V1 – EKG lead; HRA – high right trial
catheter; Lasso 1, 2 – Lasso 10, 1 – widely spaced circumferential mapping
catheter placed in a left sided pulmonary vein; ABL d – ABL p – ablation
electrodes distal and proximal; CS 1, 2 – CS 17, 18 – high polar coronary
sinus electrodes with CS 17, 18 being placed at the ostium). |
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:163-172 |
The Thoracic Veins and Ablation for AF |
Table 2. Steps in the Pulmonary Vein Isolation Procedure
endocardial LA ridge occurs just endocardially to this epicardially
located left (SVC) in the fetus. Sometimes, ablation may be
performed on either side of the ridge; i.e. within the LAA appendage
or just at the ostium of the PV to accomplish isolation. When ablating
inside the vein or at the ostium, power should be limited to 25 Watts
and the temperature not exceeding 47 to 50 degrees when using a
standard 4-mm or 5-mm tip temperature controlled catheter. Another
area of difficulty is on the roof of the left atrium near the right-sided
PV. Here, the musculature may be quite thin, and there is an increased
risk of perforation, particularly when a stiff catheter is being used by
an inexperienced operator. When using an open irrigation catheter,
temperature control is no longer valid and power control should be |
used with appropriate changes in the irrigation drip rate always
keeping in mind that the local atrial electrogram should diminish as
an endpoint to each ablation site rather than empiric time limit cut off.
Even when three-dimensional mapping systems are used, one should
not rely on the ablation “dots” as to know where successful ablation
has occurred23. The local diminution of the atrial electrogram either
resulting in fragmentation or double potential should be used to
signify complete ablation at a given site11, 14, 24.
Regardless of the catheter or imaging system used, the important
principles of circumferential mapping in the vein, validation of the
pulmonary vein potential and recognition of entrance and exit block
are key. |
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:163-172 |
Jothi Kanagalingam et al |
Figure 4: The pulmonary vein potential, when obtained during mapping
in the pulmonary vein, is not always straightforward to analyze. In this
example, a multi-component signal, one of which represents pulmonary
vein activation, is noted. An accurate knowledge of region of anatomy and
the use of various pacing maneuvers will help sort out the origin of each
of these signals expeditiously. |
Most ablation laboratories use a circumferential mapping catheter
(Lasso™) to assess for pulmonary vein potentials and to determine
when entrance block has occurred. When using a circumferential
mapping catheter in the PV, one must chose between a catheter
with closely spaced bipolar electrograms or widely spaced
bipolar (unipolar Lasso) electrodes. Widely spaced electrodes
do not require exact sizing within the vein and will pick up the
PV potentials even when the catheter size is small (Figure 4).
The disadvantage is that non-pulmonary vein potentials
(contaminant far-field electrograms) will also be recorded.
Closely spaced bipolar systems will not pick up the far-field
signals as much but if not exactly sized, may miss PV potentials,
particularly in redo procedures.
While there is no “correct” system to use, the authors’ preference
is to use the widely spaced electrodes since pacing maneuvers
(described below) can readily distinguish between actual PV
electrograms and contaminate far-field signals, but if undersized
and the PV is not seen with the bipolar system, then there is no
maneuver changing the catheter to make these signals apparent.
Some concepts with regard to circumferential mapping should
be clearly understood by the ablationist:
1. Both far-field and near-field electrograms will be seen on
the circumferential catheter with larger far-field electrograms
being noted when the catheter is positioned closer to the
2. The PV activation sequence is of little meaning with
circumferential mapping unless one is certain that all of the
electrodes along the circumference of the catheter are
equidistance from the ostium (perpendicular to the long |
axis of the vein). This is because earlier activation will
always be seen at electrodes closer to the ostium and if the
circumferential catheter is tilted inside the vein, then a false
impression of a connecting or early site of activation will be
given by looking at the electrodes that are closer to the
ostium compared to those that are tilted far within.
3. One must have a qualitatively different signal on the ablation
catheter than on the mapping catheter. That is, on the
ablation catheter the near-field electrogram will be earlier
and representing the LA myocardium that is to be ablated.
In contrast, on the mapping catheter the near-field signal is
the PV potential and occurs after the far-field atrial signal
and ostial delay explained above.
As described above, most cases of the PV potential is easy to
recognize. However, following ablation and with certain anatomic
variants (anterior vs. superior vein very close to the appendage),
it can be exceedingly difficult to know whether the PV is still
being recorded following ablation on the circumferential mapping
catheter. Misdiagnosis can lead to excessive ablation that is
unnecessary and potentially associated with complications, and
if the PV potential that is actually present is not recognized, then
inadequate ablation may occur, potentially giving rise to recurrent
When a catheter is placed in the PV in addition to the atrial farfield
signal and the PV potential near-field signal, other complex
electrograms generated from neighboring structures can also be
seen. When the catheter is placed in the left-sided vein,
contaminant signals from the LAA, vein of Marshall, adjacent
PV, etc. may all be recorded. Similarly, when a catheter is
placed in the right upper vein in addition to the signals from the
LA and PV musculature, electrograms from the right atrium
(RA), SVC and adjacent PVs may be found. Sometimes, despite
experience and caution, inadvertent ablation within the PV
occurs and these signals become fragmented, further complicating
the issue.
Some relatively straightforward pacing maneuvers, once
understood and mastered, can easily identify what is and what is
not the PV potential.
Peri-vein pacing
The concept underlying this technique is that when complex
electrograms are found and pacing is performed at an anatomic site
responsible for one of those electrograms, that component will be
advanced or pulled towards the pacing stimulus artifact.
After a mapping catheter is placed in the left upper PV and three
component signals are found, one may be of the LA, another the LAA and yet another is the PV potential. If LA pacing is performed close
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:163-172 |
The Thoracic Veins and Ablation for AF |
to the PV but not within the vein, then the left atrial component of that
signal will be advanced towards the pacing stimulus with little or no
effect on the PV potential and contaminating LAA signals. On the
other hand, if the pacing site is now in the LAA, then the component
of the complex electrogram that represents far-field activation of the
LAA will now be advanced towards the pacing stimulus. By
understanding the anatomy and the principle of peri-vein pacing, the
exact origin of each signal can be easily identified. It should be noted
that the coronary sinus pacing or right atrial pacing are not a substitute
for pacing the LA near the PV to advance the LA component. This
is because of the anatomic distance of these pacing sites from the PV.
Intra-vein pacing
Here, the concept is that when the pacing catheter is now placed
within the PV, the only electrogram that will be advanced is PV
potential itself. While this maneuver directly allows recognition
of the potential we are most interested in, namely the PV
potential, the problem is that often high output pacing is required
to capture the myocardium, and this may result in far-field
capture of anatomic neighbors such as the LAA. A variation of
intra-vein pacing is described above in electrical methods to
identify the PV ostium.
The primary endpoint for PV ablation procedures is the electrical
isolation of the PV, which is identified by entrance block (failure
of propagation of LA activation into the PV). It this is mandatory
that the ablationist understand that loss of PV potential should
not result from ablation if the PV myocardium and fragmentation
is a signal, but rather from entrance block. Thus, as ablation is
performed in a periosteal manner as described above, one
should see a gradual diminution of the far-field atrial signal, and
progressive delay in activating the PV potentials, but importantly
no change in the amplitude of the pulmonary vein potential itself.
These desired changes cannot be over emphasized as to their
significance. Sometimes, gradual diminution of the PV potential
may be observed – so-called "melting away of potentials". This
is a highly undesirable effect as it reflects ablation within the PV
itself. Ideally, there should be progressive delays and eventual
loss of conduction into the vein signified by the loss of the PV
potentials. The far-field LA signals change very little in this
sequence. If a marked changed in these signals is noted, the
catheter may have moved deep into the PV. Typically,
circumferential or near circumferential ablation is required to
get entrance block. If an operator notes that he/she gets entrance
block repeatedly with just one or two burns, it is certain that
ablation is being performed into the PV and the operator has
mistaken a branch of the pulmonary vein for the main PV itself.
Exit block is defined as pacing and capture of the PV musculature |
but without conduction from the vein to the rest of the atrium.
While exit block is closer physiologically to the desired results
of preventing arrhythmogenic activity from the PV to exit to the
atrium and produce AF, this is difficult to demonstrate in many
cases. Often, pacing within the PV, particularly if there is a
relatively short sleeve of musculature in the vein, will result in
noncapture of the local myocardium, and exit block can not be
demonstrated. Sometimes, simple mechanical catheter trauma
or spontaneous ectopy with resulting exit block can be easier to
With both entrance and exit block, it is important to recheck for
these parameters about a half an hour following ablation around
the vein with the use of isoproterenol. A recurrence of conduction
into the outside of the vein should be addressed by repeating a
circumferential ablation procedure often with identifying a gap
in the circular series of ablation points.
Thoracic vein triggers for PAF are not confined to the PVs.
Well-established alternative trigger sites include the atrial
myocardium within the SVC and the vein of Marshall. In
addition, the electrical sleeves around the coronary sinus and
electrically active connections between the PVs or between the
right atrium and right upper PV may require targeted ablation.
Superior vena cava isolation
Atrial myocardium extends into the SVC for various lengths12,27
this may be continuous with the musculature with the Azygos
vein. If ectopy or other arrhythmogenic potentials similar to that
seen on the PV are noted with a circumferential mapping
catheter placed within the SVC, then circumferential isolation of
this vein can be undertaken. The technique is identical to that
described for PV isolation except for some important differences
(Figure 5). First, the phrenic nerve often lies in the posterior
(posterolateral or posteromedial course) aspect of the SVC – RA
junction. To avoid damage to the phrenic nerve during ablation,
pacing at an output of 5 to 10 milliamp should be performed at
all sites prior to delivering radiofrequency energy. The ablation
circle can be adjusted to avoid damage to the phrenic nerve in
most cases and yet achieve entrance block with loss of the
superior vena caval potentials. In some situations however,
complete isolation is not possible with this technique because of
phrenic nerve stimulation when attempting the preablation
pacing. Here, the technique of pacing within the SVC while
cryoablating at the ostium can be performed28.
Vein of Marshall Ablation
Similar to the approach for the SVC, arrhythmogenic
potentials with evidence of ostial delay are found when
mapping in the embryological remnant of the left superior
vena cava; i.e. the vein of Marshall (Figure 6). In some cases,
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:163-172 |
Jothi Kanagalingam et al |
ectopy of monomorphic atrial tachycardia initiating recurrent
AF can be tracked to originate in this venous structure11, 29.
Ablation to isolate this vein can be undertaken but the
procedure is significantly different because of the lack of
ostial connections to the LA. The vein may be ablated directly
at its ostium via the coronary sinus. Extreme care is needed with
this approach to make sure that there isn’t inadvertent ablation
of the circumflex coronary artery. To do this, the right anterior
oblique projection should be viewed continuously and the
ablation electrode should be directed atrial to the main body of
the coronary sinus. Another approach is to ablate on the
endocardial ridge which always lies in exact apposition to the
vein of Marshall between the left-sided PVs and the LAA.
Transmural ablation at this site will typically ablate vein of
Marshall potentials as well.
At times, the vein of Marshall may need to be ablated even when
ectopy or arrhythmia is not arising from this vein. This is
because the vein may form a “bypass” conduit between the PVs
and the coronary sinus. When this occurs, it is impossible to
electrically isolate the veins by ablating periosteally on the LA
side. This situation, once ascertained, can be found by ablating
as described above29.
Right atrial to right superior pulmonary vein connections
In most hearts, there is an anatomic cleavage plane between an
anterior wall of the right-sided PVs and the posterior wall to the
SVC and RA (Waterson’s sulcus). In some patients, there is an
electrically active myocardial connection that breaks this vein
and directly connects the right PV to the RA. Suspicion to this
possibility arises when there is inordinate difficulty in isolating
the right upper vein and when pacing the RA, even at low output,
the PV potential is captured. Further evidence for such
connections will be noted when mapping within the PVs since
the early activation site will not be at the ostium but rather deeper
within the vein. Various approaches can be used to solve the
problem including direct ablation of the connection within the
vein. The authors’ preference is to pace within the PV and map
the site of earliest activation in the RA. The right atrial early
activation site is then targeted for ablation typically resulting in
conduction block into the vein assuming that left atrial
circumferential ablation has already been carried out.
Since AF itself is not a major cause of mortality, it is vital that
any procedure performed for AF should be as safe as possible
and not make the cure worse than the disease. AF ablation can
and is performed safely in the majority of patients. However,
very serious and potentially life-threatening complications occur
in 2-5% of patients. While some of these complications are
germane to any type of ablation procedure, we will briefly |
Figure 5: This shows circumferential mapping in the superior vena cava
approximately 2 cm distal to the right atrium – superior vena caval junction. Note
a pulmonary vein like potential is noted giving coronary sinus pacing. The nearfield
electrograms are tied components probably resulting from some signals
related to the Azygos vein. Note on the third beat the venous potentials occur early.
This is a result of coincidental simultaneous ectopy from the vein with coronary
sinus pacing. |
Figure 6: Dissection showing the left lateral view of the left atrium, left ventricle,
left sided pulmonary vein and the left atrial appendage. The vein of Marshall has
been opened and the lumen exposed. Note the constant location of the structure
between the left sided pulmonary vein and the posterior wall of the left atrial
(LAA – left atrial appendage, LIPV – left inferior pulmonary vein) |
describe a few that are peculiar to AF ablation.
Clinically significant narrowing or complete occlusion of the
PV occurs in 1-8% of PV isolation procedures30. The primary
reason for PV stenosis is inadvertent ablation within the PV
(Figure 7). Any method to isolate the PV should have the site of
ablation energy delivery in the LA and not in the PV. CT and/or
ventilation profusion scan performed prior to and three months
after ablation will readily recognize this complication. When up
to 50% narrowing in the vein is seen without associated symptoms,
observations with repeat CT scan is reasonable. If symptomatic
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:163-172 |
The Thoracic Veins and Ablation for AF |
narrowing is noted with a clear correlation of narrowing with
complaints such as shortness of breath, hemoptasis and cough,
then PV angioplasty or stenting should be performed.
Unfortunately, there is a greater than 50% recurrence rate of
stenosis following PV dilation and stenting procedures. At
times, there may be mild narrowing of the PV with unclear
symptomatology. In these situations, quantitative ventilation
profusion scanning, along with exercise testing to look for
oxygen desaturation, can clarify the issue.
Atrial-esophageal Fistula Formation
This is a well-recognized and unfortunate result of some AF
ablation procedures. The anterior wall of the esophagus is
immediately related to the posterior, part of LA at variable
locations and is at times posterior to the PV ostia. The course of
the esophagus is typically oblique but variable from patient to
patient and in a given patient varies with peristalsis and patient
position. The major symptoms and signs of this dreaded
complication are unexplained bacteremia, air found in the LA
during echocardiography, dysphasia, hematemesis and rapidly
progressive endocarditis. Terminal events may include air
embolization to the brain or stroke from embolized vegetation.
Immediate recognition of this condition is the only way to avoid
certain death. As soon as the possibility is considered surgical
exploration or stenting of the esophagus must be immediately
offered as options.
Avoiding this complication is best done by limiting power
delivery in the posterior part of atrium. Intracardiac
echocardiography can visualize the oblique sinus and the anterior
wall of the esophagus (Figure 8). Changes in echo texture at
these locations should immediately result in cessation of ablation
energy delivery. Remembering to stop energy delivery whenever
the atrial electrogram diminishes (rather than waiting for some
preset empiric period of time) will likely help avoid this issue.
Some operators will place a temperature probe in the esophagus,
and clearly if the temperature rises, energy should be turned off.
However, significant damage to the wall of the esophagus may
have already occurred before the endoluminal temperature
measured by such probes increases.
A devastating complication of LA ablation, which presently
does not have a definite method of prevention, is thrombus
formation and stroke. While anticoagulation with heparin is the
main method of preventing thrombosis, it is not always sufficient.
Heparin needs to be initiated early and experienced operators
will fully heparinize with a target aCT of > 300 seconds even
prior to transseptal puncture. At the very least, as soon as
transseptal puncture is done, complete heparinization is
mandatory. Other techniques include careful sheath management
Figure 7: Pulmonary vein stenosis is an entirely avoidable complication
of atrial fibrillation ablation based on the understanding of ostial
anatomy. Regardless of techniques used ablation must never be performed
within the pulmonary vein. This is because endothelial separation occurs
without compensatory dilation resulting from ablation of the myocardium
as occurs in the left atrium or close to the ostium of the pulmonary vein. |
with a continuous flush and avoiding over sizing the sheath
relative to the catheter diameter. Flushing with saline through
the sheath or pulling the sheath back to the RA once the catheters
are advanced to the LA are done by some operators to further
minimize the risk of stroke25, 31.
None of these measures, however, will impact coagulum
formation. Coagulum occurs as a result of direct heat related
denaturation of fibrinogen to fibrin. This is a thrombin
independent process and thus cannot be impacted by heparin –
an antithrombin aid. One experimental technique to try to
reduce coagulum formation involves the concurrent application
of negative direct current charge on the electrode surface while
If thrombus is recognized, the authors’ preference is to place a
vascular protection device into the carotid artery and then
physically suction or snare large thrombi back to the right-sided
circulation. Thrombolysis or surgical clot removal have also
been used at some centers.
In this article, we have reviewed patient selection and technique
of ablation targeting the thoracic vein, which have now been
established as the trigger site in the majority of patients with
PAF. High success with relatively low complication rates can
be obtained with PV isolation, and an ablationist should aim for
70% or greater success rate with a < 2% chance of significant
complications. In addition to patient selection, patient education
to cultivate realistic expectations of the procedure and rationale
for performing are important. The procedure is not performed
to save lives or prevent stroke since no data for these benefits |
Indian Heart J. 2009; 61:163-172 |
Jothi Kanagalingam et al |
Figure 8: Intracardiac ultrasound from the right atrium can visualize posterior left
atrial wall and the esophagus. In this figure the esophagus seems to be adjacent
to the atrium. The oblique sinus of the pericardial space separates these two
structures and tissue changes, or effusion occurring in the oblique sinus, mandate
the immediate cessation of radiofrequency energy delivery to avoid damage to the
esophageal wall. |
Table 3. Do’s and Don’ts with Pulmonary Vein Isolation |
exist. The main and by far the most common reason for
performing PV or other thoracic vein ablation procedures is to
treat symptomatic drug refractory AF. As with any complex
procedure, careful attention to details with a thorough
understanding of the anatomy and electrophysiological
maneuvers relevant to thoracic vein arrhythmias help optimize
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